Our Landlords are important to us, that’s why we are part of the UK Association of Letting Agents UKALA, Client Money Protection, Property Redress Scheme and Tenancy Deposit Scheme.
We understand that everyones needs are different, that’s why our aim is customer focus and fulfilment of our landlords needs by dealing one to one with one of our specialised professional agents is key to help eliminate and strive to deal with any expectations you may have. It is this personal approach that has set us apart from our competitors over the last 25 years.
We offer three types of Services to all our landlords ranging from a ‘Straight Let’ where we will rent your property to professional tenants and charge you one month rental, or a ‘Management Agreement’ where we will manage your property, collect the rent and pay it directly into your account for just a small fee of 12% of the monthly rental.
Furthermore we also offer a ‘Guaranteed Rental’ so you don’t have to worry about tenants, vacant properties or rent being paid on time.
We at National Estates give great care and priority to tenants in need of accommodation and having trouble in finding the suitable home for them and their family. Due to the long establishment in our business we always like to offer a range of properties to chose from.
We hold at times a selection of Studios, one-bedroom flats up to 5 bedrooms houses. All our properties are of a high standard and all have the EPC Certificate., the NEC/EIC and Gas Safety Certificate, where required, a Fire Risk Assessment, giving the tenant peace of mind.
We accept all types of tenants whether they are claiming benefits, students or full working families. We work on a trust-to-trust basis and even though we do carry out checks on all tenants we do in some cases require a guarantor if the credit check fails due to the system.
We offer an additional service to tenants. If a tenant needs help with applications for a particualar claim such as Income Support or any other benefit, we cater this service and once a property has been found we will complete all the relevant housing benefit forms required for submission to the local authority.
All our properties are regularly inspected to ensure that the tenant is having a safe stay.
If you are a tenant seeking accommodation we can offer you a property in most areas of London, National Estates are agents based in North London but have properties in Southeast and West London too, including areas outside the M25.
Selling your home can be stressful and the completion process can be lengthy so it is important to chose an agent you can trust – one that endeavours to make this process as smooth as possible.
If you are thinking of selling your home we are more than happy to help. We will be able to give advice and recommendations to local firms as well as instructions for selling.
Contact us for further details.